No one wants to be a PA forever. Someone on this film told me that "You only are what you're doing at the present time." And so I thought, I'm standing outside in twenty degree weather with a windchill in the single digits, my feet are rotting off, and I'm blocking off a driveway a quarter of a mile from set so that random cars won't turn into the drive and ruin the shot with their headlights. But at least I'm working on a movie people are actually going to see.
It's a pretty easy job, and I like those "deep lock-ups" as they are called because they allow me to do one thing: day dream. I work on scripts in my head and create characters and incidents that I'd like to see. So then one day, there might be a film I'm making and I'll have PA's scattered to the four winds protecting the set from intruders and surely one of them will enjoy it just as much as I did.
Definitely do it. I'm excited for you. Seriously, if you ever wanna get together with someone and talk about one another's film ideas, I'm all game.